Monday, January 01, 2007



ILL-Oer said...

love it!

Jeannetto said...

sweet! great thought bubble!

Anonymous said...

damn cool, I like yours! (and your birds ideas!)

pati said...

Hehehehe... very funny illo :)

This is Dandu said...

cool style. like ur stuff in the website

Michelle Lana said...

Hehehe...very cool! and funny!

Unknown said...

love it! And the style is great as well!

Dr. Diabolical Dave Savage said...

Nice and sick. Like I like it. I do feel compelled to play devil's advocate, or Gary's advocate. "Why's the bird thinking about dog poop? huh? Isn't bird poop white? huh? You're just doing that to get my goat aren't you? Y'all are testing me."

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

LOL!! again! How did I miss this one?! Soooo funny!

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