I am really feeling this, as I am searching for a new look. This blog has been a source experiments and that is it's main purpose to me. Feel free to look at other images on my blog and look at my website http://www.traviskingillustration.com/. I welcome comments... especially regarding this image.
Wow, I really love your art style! It's awesome! Your depiction of "sail" is great! I really like the sharks. I looked at your website and I'd have to say that I like both your new style and the one you have on your website. They both give off a different feel. Bookmarked both your website and your blog!
this illo incorporates your "usual" style but with a new strength. the color palet is gorgeous and fresh, love it, love it, love it!
I've added you to my blogroll btw
That's exactly how i'm feeling today... I know I took care of a lot of things and that i'm doing well, but I feel like that's nothing compare to what I Didn't do...
love how his hair kind of matches the water. Great style, and I love the color scheme.
Excellent illustration!!
Really tight! Nice image and message, I like the colors, composition, and almost cut paper look to it.
Mmmmmm, that`s so cool!!! I really like your illo. Very stylish! And clever.
ha!! cool line.. this illo is perfect for it. and i like the strangeness of your artworks.. this one is esp unique.
lovely use of colors and line work too!
honestly, i like both of your styles - but i understand what you are going through - i feel the same way
awesomes! makes me think of GAMA-GO. love it how you manage to blend all these hilarious little details into one brilliant piece. like it a lot. thanks!
Hey, this is really cool! It's bold and expressive and strong. I really do like your new style. You have a great sense of humor (are you harboring any repressed anger?). :) I can definitely relate to what you're going through, because I'm not sure I like what little style I have. Searching, searching, over the bounding main....
this is wonderful!!
sweet stuff dude...very edgy.
Have just come across your blog. Love your work! Its good to be so versatile with styles and that you try a push yourself to do new things. I love this picture, the brown,blue and red work really well together.
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